The first, free, interdisciplinary educational program aimed at establishing a new approach to urban complexity built around public space.
A transformative learning experience with the best and most influential scholars, professionals and urban innovators.

The global community of public space lovers of City Space Architecture coming together in Rome in 2015 on the occasion of the Biennial of Public Space for the first workshop of MaPS. Mastering Public Space. Read more here.
The Public Space Academy is intended to spread awareness on the importance of public space culture and to change the mind-set of new generations of global citizens towards a more comprehensive understanding of our cities and societies.
Public space is more and more involved in a technical and political process dealing with land use, environment, infrastructure networks, social issues and policy making, in response also to global trends such as massive urbanisation and privatisations. Multidisciplinary analytical skills, an open-minded expertise and a more informed approach are required to face a fast-changing urban world, focused on public life and urban well-being, and based on a strong partnership with local communities and active citizens, also including the private sector.

Left: prostoRož, Map of Wishes, a 150 sqm large carpet in front of Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana (2011). Read more here.
Right: prostoRož, Meeting Places Skopje (2014)

The Public Space Academy addresses major contemporary challenges, such as global commitments included in the Agenda 2030 with the Sustainable Development Goals and in the New Urban Agenda adopted at Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development that took place in Quito in 2016.
The Public Space Academy is generously supported by UN-Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme.
The launch took place at the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice during a training event promoted by City Space Architecture.

“Join our global community of public space advocates, join City Space Architecture and stand up with us for public space!“
– Dr Luisa Bravo, Founder and Director of the Public Space Academy
#standupforpublicspace is a global campaign promoted by City Space Architecture and launched at the Habitat III conference in Quito. Read more here and join the campaign!